Wednesday, December 17, 2014

턱뼈 절단 없이 턱뼈를 이동시키는 부가장치 TPA ( Trans-Palatal Arch)

턱관절 장애나 안면 비대칭 등으로 고통 받는 사람이 아니라면, 양악 수술은 하지 않는 것이 좋다. 미용을 목적으로 하거나 수술 부작용이 두려운 사람들은 교정을 통해서도 양악 수술 효과를 볼 수 있다. '치아교정'만으로도 돌출입, 무턱, 개방교합, 엣지바이트 등의 부정교합을 개선할 수 있다. 턱뼈 절단 없이 교정용 임플란트나 TPA(Trans-Palatal Arch)와 같은 부가장치를 이용하는 양악교정은 치아와 턱뼈를 이동시켜 기능회복과 동시에 자연스러운 얼굴의 변화도 줄 수 있다.

Transpalatal Arch (TPA)
The Transpalatal Arch (TPA) is an orthodontic device consisting of heavy wire extending across the roof of the mouth that is banded to the two upper first molars. It is used most often to keep the molars from drifting into the extraction spaces left behind from bicuspid extraction. The heavy wire between the bands ties the molars together preventing any unwanted movement.

In addition to holding the molars in place, the TPA can also be used to move teeth into the desired position. By placing bends in the wire, the molars can be widened, moved backward or rotated. The loop at the top of the TPA can even be used to teach proper tongue position in patients with poor tongue posture. 


Maxillary Palatal Expander

Attached to the upper molars by cemented bands, the Maxillary Palatal Expander is an orthodontic device used to create a wider space in the upper jaw. It is typically used when the upper jaw is too narrow for the lower jaw or when the upper teeth are crowded or blocked out of the dental arch.

When patients are still growing, their connective tissue between the left and right halves of their upper jaw is very responsive to expansion. By simply turning a screw in the center of the palatal expander once a day - with a special key we provide, gradual outward pressure is placed on the left and right halves of the upper jaw. This pressure causes an increased amount of bone to grow between the right and left halves of the jaw, ultimately resulting in an increased width.

Lower Lingual Arch

A Lower Lingual Arch acts as a space maintainer to keep the molars from drifting forward, and prevent them from blocking the space where permanent teeth will eventually erupt. This appliance is commonly used in cases of premature loss of baby tooth or when the lower teeth of a growing child are slightly crowded and no permanent teeth are extracted to correct the problem.
You should expect soreness the first day or two, and it may hurt to chew. We recommend a soft diet initially. You may take Advil or Tylenol to relieve the pain. Avoid sticky or hard foods, and please monitor how many foods you eat that are high in sugar.
Brushing and flossing daily is very important. Be sure to clean around the bands that are connected to the molars and the wire on the tongue side. This will prevent the formation of cavities or infection of the gums.
The duration of wear varies. We will monitor the eruption of new teeth and make adjustments. Generally, the Lower Lingual Arch is removed following the eruption of all the permanent teeth.

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