Thursday, September 29, 2016

Can a Palatal Expander or Braces Cause TMJ?

Can a Palatal Expander or Braces Cause TMJ?

There is a review titled "I now have TMJ for life" and several people have commented that they have TMJ problems, and also had palatal expanders and braces when they were younger. Is there a link between palatal expanders, braces, and TMJ?

Doctor Answers 3

Do Braces or Expanders Cause TMJ?

Greg Jorgensen, DMD, MS

Albuquerque Orthodontist 

Braces and TMJ

There is no scientific evidence that braces or expanders would cause TMJ problems,  Many patients that have TMJ problems have normal bite and never had braces before.  The answer can get more complicated than this, but I'm trying to stay with the scientific evidence.
Hasan Othman, DDS, MS, PhD
Hasan Othman, DDS, MS, PhD 
Lombard Orthodontist 
5.0 out of 5 stars      1 review 

TMJ Dysfunction and braces

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