Sunday, August 21, 2016

self-treatment orthodontics

When a child is growing up, consuming foods like beef and lamb livers as often as possible, along with organic (grass fed) ghee and fermented cod liver oil on a daily basis will ensure prominent cheekbones, wide dental arches built upon long jaw-bones with enough room to accomodate wisdom teeth, and teeth that are impervious to cavities. If orthodontic work should be deemed necessary for some odd reason, one must choose an orthodontist who refuses extractions and seeks to widen the arches in order to deal with tooth crowding.
 So I searched high-and-low for an orthodontist who:
->Rejected the idea of extractions and embraced the idea of expanding the arches.
->Embraced the idea of biologically-compatible "lightwire" forces that are incorporated into self-ligating bracket systems.


Most orthodontists these days are pretty awful. Many of them learned their craft from a paint-by-numbers course that was created by an idiot. Naturally said idiot who created it doesn't want to turn around to the orthodontic community after years of mutilating the population and admit he was wrong. So the evil perpetuates itself. Some examples of idiocy/evil include:
->A palate cannot be expanded without surgery once one is an adult (yes it can because bones remodel and furthermore sutures never fuse until advanced age due to over-calcification).
->Using elastics to tie the upper and lower teeth together will "level" a smile because they act on the sphenoid bone (scientifically impossible as the sphenoid bone can only be acted upon directly with endo-nasal balloon therapy or the modern-day equivalent known as NCR). Forcing the smile to level with rubber bands without addressing the sphenoid bone directly creates a smile like Drew Barrymore has - NOT the most downloaded woman on the internet. ;)
Most orthodontists are so out-of-touch with their own bodies, that even if they embrace an "out-of-the-box" technology like the A.L.F. device which uses biologically-compatible, lightwire forces they follow it up with old-school braces and then wonder why they produce unsatisfactory results. Seriously, I know several adults who wore braces for like 4 years and then one day their orthodontist just gave up and admitted defeat.
Then there are the oral surgeons who love to do palatal expansion surgeries for $20,000 a pop. They even want to do a surgery to bring the maxilla forward. It is all unnecessary. As I said earlier, the effects of palatal expansion can be accomplished in the majority of cases with self-ligating braces by an orthodontist who believes in expanding your dental arches. Palatal expansion in a child using a rapid palatal expander (RPE) is possible due to the suture still being very loose, but palatal expansion with an RPE or surgery at any age always produces a 2D smile that looks stupid UNLESS dental arch expansion is targeted with biologically-intelligent braces by an orthodontist who believes in expanding your dental arches.


So I found two orthodontists in the tri-state area (California may be better for this sort of quest) who were open to what I wanted to accomplish and went to work with one of them. After about 1 year I was getting depressed as hell because my orthodontist was NOT working on expanding of my arches for that "10-tooth smile" and idiotically focusing on "leveling" my smile (a-la Drew Barrymore) by running elastics between my upper and lower teeth to "close my bite." After injuring the periodontal ligament on one of my teeth with this asshatery my gum receded and I have constant nerve pain due to its' exposure. Thank god I have a high pain tolerance and can live with it. Luckily at this point I stumbled upon this "face pulling" technique through aforementioned mutual friend and decided to give it a try. Not only does it "close the bite" naturally without any of that stupid elastics crap, but it gives you massive cheekbones without surgery, cures TMJ permanently, gives you a beautiful maxilla and jawline, and is the "3rd dimension in the NCR experience." Basically what it does is it clears the roadblock one can encounter after a few years of NCR and allow for the sphenoid bone to "swing freely" again. Oh yeah... and it opens up your pelvis! Meow!
I also changed my orthodontist. I am completing my treatment with the amazing David H. Seligman DMD 212.988.8235 who understands what I'm trying to do. He is all about bone remodelling, trained under the inventor of the Damon system, and has access to the latest custom brackets that are engineered for each individual tooth. He "gets it" and so he's awesome. :)
Here are two resources for removable orthodontics, both located in Germany and Germans (my ancestors) are the masters of engineering and craftsmanship:
Now before you say "But I don't live in Germany" I'll say "Contact them anyway." Trust me, contact them no matter what chatter is in your head. ;) We limit ourselves all the time with negative thoughts. You have nothing to lose by going forward despite the defeatist chatter. If I had to do it all again, I would go with removable plates instead braces. But I also had the thought "But I don't live in Germany." Where there's a will, there's a way!
BTW, if anyone needs a regular dentist in NYC who does the finest dental work, shoot me an email and I will tell you whom I go to. She'll always work to save the tooth and doesn't drill when not needed, doesn't kill the root to make money doing root canals, etc. Does the finest implant work as well.


Your maxilla will come forward without surgery. As it comes forward, the bones around your condiles will rotate and your jaw will become loose and drop forward. Therefore, you will not be pulling JUST the maxilla forwards and end up looking like an inbred retard. Not only your maxilla will come forward but YOUR ENTIRE FACE WILL! Especially your cheekbones, so if you don't have cheekbones, you will get them with this technique. Your whole face will come forward and your jaw will follow along getting rid of TMJ forever! Below are my results...

 Dentists and orthodontists focus on teeth too much and ignore the skull which is the most important. Underbites come about because the skull doesn't develop properly. So the child has an underbite. Sometimes during delivery, the doctor applies forceps and deforms the child's head. Sometimes babies get dropped and nobody wants to admit this. The result is that the face gets squashed. So you have an underbite. The rest of the face needs to catch up. The solution is face-pulling! But of course all those idiot orthos try and jam the jaw back in. Stupid.


So that's about it. I've told you what you need to know to solve your trigeminal neuralgia, jaw pain, TMJ, cluster headaches, poor posture, jammed pelvis, etc., etc., etc... all in 30 minutes a day! You will notice results in 1 week. In 3 months you will be a different person. The ride will be rough because your entire psyche will be changing for the better. But it is only 30 minutes a day and the equipment costs less then $50! Assuming you have braces of course, otherwise you will need a custom retainer made and that will be the main cost and is dependent on who makes it for you. Print out those pictures of that custom retainer above and show it to a dental lab or an orthodontist - just don't show him this website or he will get pissed off because orthodontists have big egos and don't like their treatment paradigm threatened. Also, oral surgeons won't be too happy that such a cheap solution supplants a $20,000 surgery. How will they be able to afford that Mercedes SL63 AMG now?
If you are a parent with young children, please don't let an orthodontist destroy their future! I get emails all the time from adults whose lives were destroyed by childhood orthodontics. Lucky for them they find this site! If you remember anything, remember this and stick to it as if your child's future happiness depended on it:
Here is an Australian "60 Minutes" interview on why extractions suck:
Basically, do not allow the usage of anything that resembles a torture device on your child. This includes braces, reverse headgear, etc. Your child is still growing, and you want the growth to be as natural as possible so if you want to do any "orthodontics" on your child to assist the natural process, then use only removable plates or myofacial trainers or such. If you are an adult, then go for Damon braces if needed. Adults are no longer growing, so more extreme measures are needed. But children should not be fucked with. Would you let a dental professional sexually molest your child? No? So then why would you let them abuse your child with painful, beauty-destroying orthodontics?
However, your main weapon is nutrition! Even if you are an adult! Follow in the footsteps of the great dentist, Weston A. Price by giving your child 1 tablespoon of each of these every day: (link disconnected because product has been discontinued)
In addition, eating 1 grass-fed beef or lamb liver 1x per week will give them nutrition through the roof.
If you have kids, put the above into them on a daily basis as soon as they can eat. They'll never get cavities again! You should be eating the same thing yourself!!! If you are planning to make a baby, both you and your wife should be eating this sort of diet starting 1 year before you make the baby. Make sure to load up on iodine before you get pregnant so your baby will be as smart as possible. If the baby is a boy, the mother should CONSIDER taking Indonesian Tongkat Ali in 50:1 extract or 100:1 extract while pregnant because the amount of testosterone the fetus is exposed to in the womb will determine his testosterone "set-points" as an adult. It will also make sure he comes out with a really large penis! Why wouldn't you want the most powerful child possible? Make sure he/she is tall, strong, beautiful, healthy... Nobody puts any thought into what they create anymore. They make children out of spite and just to have someone to boss around. If you give your child a shitty physical vehicle, what sort of suffering are you creating for it?
Here are some other useful links:


Don't get me in any trouble, because I just want to help all those people who are suffering in this world. In China they say that "your face is your fortune" and everybody deserves the good fortune to be beautiful. =^_^= To reiterate, I don't want to vex the dental community who won't take kindly to my challenging their paradigms. Sadly, many tenets of their paradigms are flat out wrong: sutures are NOT fused past a certain age. The spehenoid bone CANNOT be acted upon via elastics strapped between the upper and lower brackets. Pulling the face forward as explained on this website will NOT give you an overbite.
Do you want to chat with me?  email me!
Also, I did a radio interview on Rumor Mill News:
BTW, check out my website on NeuroCranial Restructuring!

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