or CR is the name for the position of the jaw when it is in the rearmost hinge position when no teeth are touching. When the teeth begin to touch when you close your jaws together, the teeth start to guide your jaw into a different, usually slightly more forward, position. That means the jaw is dislocated slightly more forward than centric relation. This slide forward from centric relation to where the teeth fit in theirbest closed together position often causes TMD. Few people have this natural centric related position except those folks that have had a bite correction procedure done and followed up to allow for healing of the jaw joints.
There are several other requirements of a perfect bite such as the front teeth are touching at the correct angle when all the back teeth are touching. When this perfect bite is obtained called "organic occlusion", the torque on both jaw joints is reduced or eliminated to allow healing to take place in them.
The book explains this in more detail.
This is a model of the TMJ which is the hinge of the lower
jaw to the temporal bone of the skull. This joint allows the jaw
to move smoothly up, down, forward and side to side enabling
you to speak and chew. Muscles attached to and surrounding
the jaw control its movements but only ligaments and bones
limit its travel. The chain is loose because the jaw has moved
forward allowing the front teeth to seperate all of the
chewing back teeth.
jaw to the temporal bone of the skull. This joint allows the jaw
to move smoothly up, down, forward and side to side enabling
you to speak and chew. Muscles attached to and surrounding
the jaw control its movements but only ligaments and bones
limit its travel. The chain is loose because the jaw has moved
forward allowing the front teeth to seperate all of the
chewing back teeth.
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